Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Price of Glory :: essays papers

Price of Glory A new movie called "The Price of Glory" is opening Friday, March 31,2000 all over. However, this movie will only be out for two weeks, if the community does not support it. This a movie about a Latino boxing family and it is refreshing to see a movie about a Latino family where the roles are actually played by Latino actors. The movie stars Jimmy Smitts, Jon Seda, and Paul Rodriguez in a role you wouldn't expect. We got the chance to preview the movie last night and it is a great movie with a lot of comedy and still very heart-warming. An actor from American Me was there promoting the movie and he said that the African-American community has organized a group called the Weekend group and every time a new movie comes out starring an African-American actor or director over 2 million people go to the opening day and support the movie.They are trying to get a similar group started in the Latino community. Actor or director over 2 million people go to the opening day and support the movie.They are trying to get a similar group started in the Latino community. If you are tired of seeing us in roles of gang-bangers, gardeners, housemaids, here's a chance to do something about it and enjoy an excellent movie. The movie will not be getting a lot of publicity at all so spread the word, and if you see it and like it, go see it again! If it makes a difference, OZOMATLI is on the soundtrack!: Pass the word. The movie stars Jimmy Smits (formerly of N.Y.P.D. Blue): "...The Sacramento Hispanic Chamber or Commerce was responsible for bringing the premier of "The Price of Glory" to Sacramento. It is an excellent movie. You really have to go see it. At the premier they announced that the movie will begin showing on March 31st. They told us *how important it is to go see a movie the first two weekends that it is out.

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